
New Stuff, Old Stuff.

I got a nifty new digital camera. It's kind of ironic that I got it the same day I accidentally erased all the pictures I had stored on my laptop's hard drive. I'll be starting fresh, capturing new memories, etc, etc, etc.

I tested it out this weekend at my parent's house:

They have these ugly bobble head dog dolls with really scary eyes. Why? I don't know. These are also the people who owned a Talking Billy Bass. You know, the wall mounted fish that sang whenever someone set off its motion sensor. Yeah, they loved that thing.

The camera also has a touch screen, and came equipped with a stylus type toy that lets me decorate the pictures a la Microsoft Paint:

You can also stamp the picture with a set of icons included on the camera. For some reason the anime-style throbbing headache sign was included:

I wish I had gotten the camera earlier. One of the worst parts of losing all my pictures was losing the photos I had of Chess over the three years she was my friend. Here's a repost of my favorite picture of her, stolen from Spiffy:

Good bye Chess. May your hamster wheel always be spinning in that big tub in the sky.

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