Here are pictures of some LCCers near and dear to my heart.

This is a pretty cool looking picture of Yumi, Simon, Me, Tru, Conroy and Jonathan. The moment appears much more classy than it actually was: Simon spent the entire time on Conroy's shoulders yelling, "My balls! My balls! Hurry up with the damn picture or they're going to rupture!" or something to that effect. And then Hoai ran up and jiggled Conroy's head, further infuriating Simon. It's OK though, Simon has the last laugh. He can do an ENGLISH ACCENT.

Yumi, Janet, Me, Hoai, Tru, Jonathan, Aki, Conroy and Simon making an awesome pyramid as the tide was coming in. There's only one thing missing from this pyramid:

Caroline got a little lost (OK, a lot lost) and so missed the pyramid building, but it's OK, because we saved her a spot right at the top! I feel this picture of Caroline kinda captures her reaction to LCC: slightly startled and apprehensive, but curious to see what these weirdos will do next.
What's next? This picture!

The obligatory mid-jump shot. Tru, Hoai, moi, Jonathan, Yumi et Simone. Janet was taking this picture, but she wanted in so we spent the next five minutes trying to replicate it. We couldn't though because Simon sucks at taking pictures.

Yay friendship!
Let's do this again!
Stop giving me work to do!!!!!
- anonymous employee
Stop blog reading during work!
Awww, we're so cute. :) I especially heart the Caroline picture!
We are. We should do more cute things together.
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