I told
Mike and
Dave about
HufuTM today, and I was met with scoffing laughter.
"What a hoax."
"No, it's not!"
"How would they know what human meat tastes like, huh?"
"I don't know."
"You gullible child."
"...Your mom is gullible."
I didn't know how to answer some of their questions, because I hadn't visited the website in awhile, and even then, I didn't really look around too extensively. So, because I hate being wrong and not knowing things, I revisted the website. I also wanted to see if it was hoax-like, and it doesn't look like it is. It looks like a genuine business venture. They developed the taste "through painstaking research and excessive testing." They also credit someone named Hatawenka who has been "from the very beginning of the Hufu
TM project a guiding light and vital inspiration." I don't know about you, but this Hatawenka guy sounds like a reformed cannibal, so I'm guessing he guinea pigged for them and taste tested the Hufu
TM. You know what? I am going to order me some Hufu
TM. I'm going to try it out and I'll report back with my findings. If it does turn out to be a hoax, and I am mailed a box that has nothing but the words "Made you look! Sicko!" written on it, then I will make sure to include that in my follow-up.
Wish me luck!