I am currently in my hometown. I am sitting in the coffee shop that I used to hang out at with my high school friends. I don't order white chocolate mochas anymore- instead I'm sipping on a soy latte. I don't sit around gossiping with the gals anymore- instead I'm sitting in a corner, updating my blog:

The old hangout.
The rest of the trip has been pretty good so far. Check it out:

On I-5 we passed a bus that was converted by a hippie. You could tell because the driver had long hair and was rebelling against the structured, and tragically flawed education system by christening his ride the "Fool Bus."

My cousin's new shirt is cool. He got it as a present. Guess who gave it to him?!

About half of the family went bowling. The scores ranged from 14-150. High score belongs to Roznee, second from the left. She kinda owned.

The family is captivated by High School Musical.
A group of high school kids just walked into the cafe and ordered a round of white chocolate mochas. It feels very appropriate.
More to come.