My current high score on Bejeweled. It took me over forty minutes before I was given the "No More Moves" sign, and this was only after implementing a technique I had perfected through hours- nay, DAYS of intense mental strain (slash trial and error).
It's not just Bejeweled either. I have discovered that I'm addicted to Escape-the-Room Games. I am really good at finding stars, solving puzzles, and earning meat. I, an early bird, have gone past night owl status into vampire territory because I stay up until 7 am defending my towers. My mind is affected- I feel like an intellectual sloth, incapable of doing anything other than the basic point and click. I had goals for this winter break, and I achieved so few of them.
Truly, it is time to take Bedazzled's advice, and declare No More Moves for Kimmie! I am declaring an internet curfew of 10 pm in a bid to return to my 7 am mornings. I will be sharp, productive, quick on my feet.
Crud, it's already 10: 41.
Kimhouy Tong.
I am now officially addicted to this star-finding game. I don't even know WTF the point is. But I'm addicted. So if I don't finish my legal research and writing paper, it's all your fault.
Mwu ha ha. I apologize in advance for ruining your future.
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